Weight loss isn't a destination
It's an empowering journey of a self-awareness
Obesity is one of the most dangerous, yet preventable diseases. Obesity is a modern epidemic, but also linked to our family histories. It affects both physical and mental health and damages the spirit. Obesity is linked to heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, and certain cancers. It causes severe psychological trauma, damages self-esteem and interpersonal relationships, and isolates people and impedes physical activity.
Habits are created in our childhood
Obesity generally develops when eating habits form unconsciously. We've all been comforted by pleasurable foods when sad, angry, happy, or even when bored. However, finding comfort through eating, which often begins in childhood, might develop into a long term crisis if you fail to face underlying problems.
Be willing to change by establishing healthy patterns
In order to break the cycle of dieting and overeating, we need to break our comfort zone by practicing new hobbies and being exposed to new learnings. We might experience resistance to change as our comfort level become interrupt it. With established patterns of awareness, proper nutrition, enjoyable exercise, social support, and self-loving thoughts, we can heal the body in holistic way.
Do genes causes obesity?
OR is it
inherited eating patterns, modern lifestyle, and convenience food?
Many people believe that genes are the major contributors to obesity. How did your family eat when you were a child? Is your relationship with food, physical activity, and dealing with stress related to your upbringing? If you learned to comfort yourself with sugary meals, fried foods, and failed to exercise, your habits will inevitably have a greater influence on your body than genetics.
- Overeating is a learned coping reaction, often appearing when emotionally challenged or when our body lacks nutritious foods -
Overeating is often triggered by cravings for an immediate mood lift that comes from indulging in certain foods. The intention is to get a small piece of chocolate, but feeling the endorphins flow feels so good that we keep eating until guilt sets in. By succumbing to this harmful coping method, a habitual cycle is easily formed.
-Overeating is often triggered from starving ourselves for long periods of time-
"I didn't have time to eat today. My work schedule was too busy."
Our bodies need a consistent supply of macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Craving certain foods, like chocolate, might be a sign of vitamin/ mineral deficiency.
Our body works like a car. Every car needs quality fuel to get from point to point. If we don't give quality fuel to our bodies, we slow down, feel tired and crave fast unhealthy energy. Without basic macronutrients, vitamins and minerals during the day, cravings will overwhelm us, especially in the evening hours.
- Mindfully recognizing harmful psychological and physical cycles is the key to stopping overeating -
- Strive to always treat yourself in a loving and caring way -
Our worldview is developed at an early age. Self-harming behaviors, that are often unconsciously practiced, have roots in our childhood. We learn to love and accept or dislike and disapprove ourselves.
Emotionally distant parents often discipline their children by punishing them in ways that create deep insecurity. Labels such "you're stupid", "klutz", or "the other children are nicer and smarter than you" result in not accepting ourselves in adulthood. We blame ourselves for other's pain and unhappiness and feel guilt and low self-esteem. These feelings of guilt are soothed by punishing ourselves through self-harming behavior.
- Do you feel the need to convince others that you are worthy of love? -
Eating disorders are the result of seeking the approval of others. "If I only look thin, they might like me and respect me."
Who are you seeking the approval of?
You can earn your power back by understanding your story and confronting the pain that has hurt for years. Only by facing the emotions that cause your anxiety, anger, sadness, and guilt, can you stop the compulsive reactions.
- Every trauma has an author. -
Who told you that you are not capable of financial stability, smart enough to achieve your dream, or pretty enough to deserve the relationship you want?
-We are who we think we deserve to be. -
Detach yourself from those that put you down and give yourself enough love and support to become who you really want to be!